Private Planes



Great Leader Obama have decided that the peoples will become very angry at these fat cat pigs who flies in private planes.  The Leader understand that some of you have fly private planes, but do not be afraid, as strong party members you will always be flying in you planes, as long as you make grand speeches praising Our Leader and his plan to take monies from everyone who fly in private plane and give it to the little peoples of our lands.

Corporations Seek Undermine Obamacare


Committee of Public Safety Comrades,
After passages of glorious Obamacare many corporations have speak up against Obamacare and The Party agenda. This put Party and great leader Obama at risks and is most definite issue of Public Safety. Politburo is ask of you to please investigate CEOs of AT&T, Deere, Caterpillar and Verizon they attempt to overthrow Party and must be stop. We expect actions to be take and peoples who speak ill of Obamacare to be silent. We wait report from you.

Nancy Pelosi to Receive Medal for Distinguished Labour



Politburo would like to honor Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi for tireless work on passage of Health Care for all citizen.  Nancy receive and proudly wear Medal for Distinguished Labour for work so hard to get necessary votes to passage of wonderful Obamacare.  Nancy make Party very proud, and she show great respect for Party by carry the symbol of the Party, hammer, through hateful crowds of protesting peoples. Politburo would have like to see Nancy also carry sickle, but understand that it was not available at time because it was being sharpen for future shows of Party power.

Better than the Olympics



It is shame that Comrade Obama was unable to convince Olympic Committee to hold 2016 games in Chicago.  It would have been great chance to showcase to world progress and power of The Party.  Comrade Holder understand how important it is show world strength and greatness of The Party and all the good it has done.  Comrade Obama and Comrade Holder have come up with new great Three Year Plan which will guarantee reelection of all The Party leaders in 2012.  Normally we have Five Year Plan but since election in three years we make exception.  New plan is that Comrade Holder will hold elaborate show trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others accuse of committing terror acts, in downtown New York City.  These trials will prove greatness of our legal system,  instead of five Olympic rings we will have five trials that will show world compassion that The Party has even for those who attack us and kill our fellow comrades.

Comrade Holder will take all responsibilities for the trials and he will make sure that judge and jury will reach verdict that The Party want.  If this fail to happen than we will be force to turn Comrade Holder, judge and jury members over to The Committee for Public Saftey.

Harry Reid to Receive Gold Star Medal of Hero



Senator Harry Reid took to Senate floor yesterday and today in attempts to get magnificent Party Health Care Bill pass.  The Comrades of the Poltiburo have decide to give Reid the Gold Star Medal of Hero for his excellent use of propaganda to pass new Five Year Plan which includes Health Care takeover.  He speak like The Great Stalin, with methodical, quiet conviction on behalf of our Party and this bill.  He make great use of anti-Right Wing propaganda to further The Party agenda.  He says that Republicans stood against end of slaveries and that they try stop womens and blacks from voting.  So long as peoples don’t look in history books they will believe these informations.

The Comrades at the Politburo have already been printing revise history text that proves that The Party has always been on right side of history and Republicans have been on the wrong.  We except these books to be in every class room next year.  Once the childrens have absorbed them, The Party will have special place in their heart and they will be most loyal soldiers and ensure The Party will reign forevers.

The Party of Hate

angry-obamaThis past summer, Democrat politicians and their talking-point armed pundits, delighted in dubbing the GOP “The Party of NO”. Had they succeeded in passing universal health care they most certainly would have broken their arms patting themselves on the back for that one, and oh how clever they were! What a zinger! “The Party of NO”, boy does that sting! While I’m still smarting, I think I’ll heed our dear leader’s advice and ‘punch back twice as hard’;

Dear Democrat Party, I dub thee “The Party of Hate”.


What’s that you’re shouting?




Excuse me that’s our mantra remember? I will extend to you the courtesy of explaining why I chose this moniker for you as surely you’re having trouble comprehending my word choice. It’s quite simple you see, The Democrat Party perpetually preaches hatred. The party demonizes big business from oil to insurance. It claims we must abhor the rich, profits and SUVs and it fervently attacks individuals, Bush, Rove, Thomas, Scalia, Palin, Bachmann, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Rumsfeld and let’s not forget the man that has ‘blood that drips from his teeth’, the devil himself, Dick Cheney.

This tangled mass of hatred was born from one simple seed, the hatred of free market capitalism. It is a system in which those who trade only in the monetarily worthless commodity that is emotion can not thrive let alone survive. Since proper function within the boundaries of this system is a practical impossibility for these hate peddlers, they persistently strive for it’s destruction. Although hate has no value, it can be an extremely powerful weapon when wielded by reckless hands. But have no fear my fellow “Party of No” friends, we can disarm them by simply saying “no” to what they’re selling.