Better than the Olympics



It is shame that Comrade Obama was unable to convince Olympic Committee to hold 2016 games in Chicago.  It would have been great chance to showcase to world progress and power of The Party.  Comrade Holder understand how important it is show world strength and greatness of The Party and all the good it has done.  Comrade Obama and Comrade Holder have come up with new great Three Year Plan which will guarantee reelection of all The Party leaders in 2012.  Normally we have Five Year Plan but since election in three years we make exception.  New plan is that Comrade Holder will hold elaborate show trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others accuse of committing terror acts, in downtown New York City.  These trials will prove greatness of our legal system,  instead of five Olympic rings we will have five trials that will show world compassion that The Party has even for those who attack us and kill our fellow comrades.

Comrade Holder will take all responsibilities for the trials and he will make sure that judge and jury will reach verdict that The Party want.  If this fail to happen than we will be force to turn Comrade Holder, judge and jury members over to The Committee for Public Saftey.